A Conceptual Model of Async/Await
Microsoft released the async/await programming model to the world in 2012. While many of us diligent C# developers have been advocating the use of async/await since then, I have noticed many programmers still struggle with finding the benefits of async/await worth the cost of understanding. There's a few behaviors I notice when looking through code:
- Developers will often go for synchronous code over asynchronous
- Continued use of
to force a task into performing synchronously
These behaviors indicate (to me) that developers have a hard time seeing the benefit of asynchronous code over synchronous. And to be fair, in their day-to-day development activities, it may seem like async/await just adds another layer of cognitive overhead to an already difficult job. Throughout this post, I will try to give a simple model with which to conceptualize async/await and show some of the fun things you can do with async/await.
Most of this text is also applicable to Javascript Promises, and their async/await implementation. This is because C# Tasks and Javascript Promises are both implementations of the same construct, better covered by Wikipedia than myself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futures_and_promises.
The Simple Model
This is all that async/await does:
- An
signals that you desire for your current line of code to pause execution until the task you are waiting for completes execution. Once the task completes, the code after your current line will continue execution. You can only await an object that has aGetAwaiter()
method which returns an implementation ofINotifyCompletion
. In the wild, this is usually aTask
class. - An
tells the compiler that you want to use theawait
keyword in a function. The function must return a typeTask<...>
Now that we have a simple conceptual model for async/await, we can have a lot of fun with async/await while continuing to write code that is easy to reason with.
Imperative Code Style
Below is a simple example to illustrate the difference between using a Task
with continuations and using a Task
with await
public Task Main()
.ContinueWith(myData =>
var myProcessor = new Processor();
return myProcessor.Process(myData.Result);
}, TaskCompletionOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion)
The above callback style model can become this:
public async Task Main()
var myData = await GetData();
var myProcessor = new Processor();
await myProcessor.Process(myData);
This contrived example obviously doesn't show much, but the code does arguably become cleaner. Async/await also opens us up to using other programming constructs, such as loops, with our asynchronous code. So taking the above example, let's say the data is an IEnumerable
public async Task Main()
var myData = await GetData();
var myProcessor = new Processor();
foreach (var data in myData)
await myProcessor.Process(data);
I'm not even going to bother to try to write this with a Task chain! It's important to note that while this code does not block while waiting for the data to process, the code still does execute in-order. Async/await enables us to write non-blocking code with our typical C# programming style, which is really neat. However, we can do some even more interesting things with Tasks.
Interleaving is one of my favorite uses of async/await. Rather than immediately pausing execution on a long-running task, we can start execution of the task, hold onto the task itself, and then start execution of other tasks in the meanwhile. When we're actually ready for the result of the first task, we can then await it. For example:
public async Task Main()
var myDataTask = GetData(); // Hold onto a reference of the Task, rather than the result of the Task
// Execution can still be paused in the method on the Tasks below, and the myDataTask
// will continue execution in its own synchronization context (usually a Thread)
await Console.WriteLineAsync("Please input some additional data while the other data loads!");
var additionalData = await Console.ReadLineAsync();
var myProcessor = new Processor();
// Finally pause for `myDataTask` to complete execution
await myProcessor.Process(await myDataTask, additionalData);
This allows gathering data from your data source while the user is keying in other data, potentially masking the time it took to retrieve the data from the data source.
Tasks also have the combinatorial helpers Task.WhenAll(Task...)
and Task.WhenAny(Task...)
(or Promise.all(Promise...)
and Promise.race(Promise...)
for those Javascript folks following along). While the applications of Task.WhenAll
may seem obvious (and I will cover them soon), it is a little more difficult to find a use for Task.WhenAny
. Often times, I'll use Task.WhenAny
when I want to execute multiple tasks and change the control flow of my program as a result of which task completed first - timing out execution is a clear use case for this pattern.
Let's say we're waiting for our data to come in on a message bus:
public async Task<int> Main()
var myDataTask = GetDataOffOfMessageBus();
var raceResult = await Task.WhenAny(myDataTask, Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)));
if (myDataTask != raceResult) // Task.WhenAny returns a `Task<Task>`, whose result is the winning task
await Console.WriteLineAsync("What's taking that message so long?");
return -1; // Unceremoniously stop the program
var myProcessor = new Processor();
await myProcessor.Process(await myDataTask); // You can also await the same Task multiple times, the result is held onto by the task once it completes, so it will always be the same **reference** or **value**
return 0;
Once you start interleaving and racing your code, you will start having the desire to just not wait at all for anything until it's absolutely needed. Aggregation of your tasks using Task.WhenAll(Task...)
can help you with this.
Let's take the above example where we iterated over an IEnumerable
of data. Let's instead use the combined power of LINQ and Tasks to process all of that data all at once:
public async Task Main()
var myData = await GetData();
var myProcessor = new Processor();
await Task.WhenAll(myData.Select(async data =>
await myProcessor.Process(data)); // You could also just return the Task returned by `Process`, which might give you some speed benefits
A Cautionary Note
It's important to note that except for the first two examples, all the above examples introduce concurrency into your code. Along with concurrency come all the concerns that plague concurrent models: deadlocks, unsynchronized state, etc. That being said, it's still completely acceptable (and possible) to write non-concurrent code with async/await, such as in the first two examples, and still realize benefits. That's because every operating system comes with a maximum number of supported native threads [0][1] (which many runtimes use) and an await
call frees up that thread to either be used by something else, or to be collected by the garbage collector. This is why async/await helps your application more efficiently use its hosts resources - whether it be for parallel processing or just conservative use of threads. I hope you come to enjoy the benefits of having the more responsive and conscientious applications that async/await brings you as much as I have.
[0] Increasing number of threads per process (Linux) (https://dustycodes.wordpress.com/2012/02/09/increasing-number-of-threads-per-process/)
[1] Does Windows have a limit of 2000 threads per process? https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20050729-14/?p=34773)
Note posted on Sunday, March 24, 2019 10:30 AM CDT - link