David Vedvick


Minnesota Code Freeze Conference Notes

My notes from the 2025 Minnesota Code Freeze conference that took place at the University of Minnesota.

Working Effectively with Legacy Code

Michael Feathers (r7k)

  • Test-Driven Architecture (like TDD but for architecture).
  • Hyrum's Law: Any behavior you expose on an API will become depended upon even if it's not intended.
  • Knowledge tends to dissipate over time (think music popularity reduction over time, for example, the ragtime of the 1920's).
  • Galileo's scaling law (the square/cube law) - structure must change as things grow:
    • Initially named after the concept that as an object grows its volume grows faster than the surface (n^3 > n^2).
    • However, applies to other scaling concerns, for example, you can't build a skyscraper with wood.
    • With graphs, as they grow, you need to break them into smaller graphs to manage them effectively.
    • Understanding this tension can improve design.
  • Miller's law - humans can track 7 +/- 2 items
    • This relates to class design, a class with 20 methods is much harder to track than a class with around 7.
  • "The Principle of Deliberate Context" (coined by Michael Feathers):
    • Systems should be designed with intentionally bounded contexts that are optimally sized for human cognition.
  • Robustness principle: be liberal in what you accept and conservative in what you produce.
  • A potential issue with AI is when it generates things that we don't understand.

Infrastructure as Code Anti-Patterns

Jason Baker (Director of Cloud Operations at Civix)

  • Thought on anti-patterns: every anti-pattern started as a pattern with good intentions.
  • Why do infrastructure as code anti-patterns exist?
    • Senior tech leadership usually is promoted through software not infrastructure (citation needed).
    • Defining infrastructure as code is immature compared to software development (isn't infrastructure as code software development?).
  1. Cloud Cowboys
  • Creating cloud infrastructure manually (using a web console) instead of using code.
  1. Muti-Tool Madness
  • Using too many tools to define the infrastructure.
  • Increased complexity, risk, and toil.
  • Picking a consistent tool is more important than pick the best tool.
  1. Partitioning infrastructure projects by infrastructure type or environment instead of by context.
  2. Building all the environments
  • Using a single infrastructure template to build out all environments.
  • Templates should be environmentally agnostic.
  • Infrastructure changes should be promoted using the same process as normal software.
  1. One repo to rule them all
  • Defining all resources using infrastructure code in one monolithic infrastructure code repository.
  • Can introduce undesirable coupling.
  • Partition infrastructure code by services.
  1. Using DRY With Infrastructure
  • All software problems can be solved with another layer abstraction, except for the problem of too many layers of abstraction.
  • Taking an imperative approach to building infrastructure instead of a declarative approach.
  • Coupling vs. cohesion
  1. Modularize all the things
  • Same as above.
  • Enforce the updating of module versions across projects, allowing no more than for example 2 versions in use.
  1. The infra team
  • All infrastructure code has to be defined by an infrastructure team.
  • Reinforcese the traditional division between developer and infrastructure operations.
  • A single team becomes a major bottleneck for infrastructure work.
  • In high-performing organizations most of the infrastructure code is defined by software developers and co-located in application repositories.
  1. All security related infrastructure code changes must be implemented and approved by the secuirty team.

Finite State Machines and AI

Adam Terlson (https://github.com/adamterlson/AgenticStateMachines)

  • Using state machines to control AI agents.
  • X State: state management and orchestration library
  • Model-based testing of state machines
  • His AI Agent definition:
    • Autonomous - operates independently, making decisions without constant human input
    • Goal-oriented - achieves specific objectives
    • Context-aware
    • Collaborates
    • Interactive
    • Persistence - retains memory of past interactions and data.
    • Adaptive
  • Agentic Systems:
    • Actors provide autonomy and communication.
    • State machines provide structure, enforce predictable behavior.
    • AI provides adaptability.
  • Patterns:
    • Tool use
      • Available tools given to LLM.
      • LLM returns JSON object describing a method (tool) call.
      • Expected next message is tool response.
    • Human in the Loop (tool approval, if tool is expensive).
    • Feedback: one oagent receives the output of another agent and gives feedback on how to improve.
    • Collaboration: multiple specialist agents working on a broader goal where each agent owns a slice of the broader task.
    • Orchestration: Planning agent dynamically routes to the next agent based on current context.
    • "Chartering": state machine defined by LLM.
  • Advantages over industry tools?
    • (LangGraph and competitors)

Evolveable Architectures

Rebecca Parsons

  • Conway's law - the systems you build will reflect the dysfunction of your organization.
  • Last responsible moment - wait to make decisions until the last possible moment.
  • How do we build code that is auditable?
  • How do we build code that increases code quality?
  • Contract testing allows developers to ignore each other.
  • Use AI for contract testing?
  • LLM hallucinations are a feature, not a bug. How are you supposed to generate something new if you never make something up? The question is whether there are ways to bound the hallucinations (yes, with temperature).
  • How do you test non-deterministic systems?

Monolith vs. Platform vs. Serverless

Corwin Diamond

  • This talk was generally biased against monoliths (seemed to imply a definition of a monolith as a giant legacy application, in something like an older ecommerce server application).
  • CAP Theorem:
    • Consistency - works correctly.
    • Availability - always works.
    • Partition Tolerance - works across different partitions.
    • You can pick 2.
  • Distributed CAP: different services/teams within your ecosystem will have different CAP requirements.
  • Multi-cluster platforms...
    • Need to solve data replication.
    • Sounds like classic SOA/microservice problems.
  • Cellular architecture...
    • Platform monoliths.
  • Modularize abstract abstractions.
  • Minimize different types of deployment processes.
  • Remove requireemnts that aren't required.


David Laribee, Rebecca Parsons, Michael Feathers

  • Remote work:
    • How can we maximize the effectiveness of in-person time?
    • Shoud do hybrid meetings remote first.
    • Important to work on things together with remote work.
    • Create venues where smaller collaborations can occur.
    • Times when we get together should be treated as precious and valuable.
    • Is the problem encouraging people to value social connections?
  • Modular Monoliths:
    • Return to simplicity.
    • Look into testcontainers.
    • It is important at the early stages of a product development to develop a well-structured monolith.
    • Chris Richardson has good ideas on microservices.
    • Event-driven applications can be done in process (and I do).
  • Functional programming:
    • "The little lisper", "the little schemer" books.
    • If one spends too much time in the OOP world, it can become difficult to understand functional programming.
    • More people are recognizing the benefits of functional programming.
  • How do we discern when we should adhere to new programming principles vs traditional principles?
    • With low-code/no-code, you can get started very easily, but it's hard to scale to complex problems.
      • It's easy to solve 80% of the problem, hard to solve the remaining 20%.
    • Be very cautious about de-scaling your development.
    • Where have all the mid-level engineers gone :D.
  • Is agile dead?
    • Agility was kind of jettisoned, and "agile" became a management practice.
    • Good technology (and good process?) disappear, they just become standard operating procedure, like small commits, TDD, etc.
    • There are different product domains: Simple, Complex, and Chaotic. Which domain your product fits in determines how "agile" you need to be.
  • 3 things developers can do to stay current:
    • Need to start using AI.
      • How are they going to make money off of it?
    • Everyone is using AI today which differs from the prior AI hype cycles of the 60's and 80's.
      • And problematically, most people do not have a strong mental computational model that matches how it really works.
    • AI is good at ideation. It can also help increase your skill at asking questions.

Note posted on Friday, January 17, 2025 1:28 PM CST - link